XEC | Experience Ecommerce


Redefining E-Commerce for Your Unique Vision


Introducing PBEC

PBEC | Platform-Based E-commerce Creator is a comprehensive endto- end e-commerce solution, designed to empower businesses in creating personalized and thriving online stores using top-notch ecommerce platforms. Your brand deserves a solo standing out in the crowd, belting out a unique melody that resonates with your audience.

Why PBEC ?

Crafting E-Commerce Success, Your Way

Platform Diversity

PBEC embraces the power of choice. Select from leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and more. PBEC is your gateway to a tailored and personalized e-commerce experience.

Personalized Approach

Your business is unique, and PBEC understands that. We provide the tools and features to add a personalized touch to your e-commerce store, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your brand identity and customer expectations.

Seamless Integration

PBEC seamlessly integrates with your chosen e-commerce platform, enhancing its capabilities and providing additional features for a robust online store that stands out in the competitive market.

User-Friendly Interface

No complex processes! PBEC offers an intuitive interface, making it easy for businesses of all sizes to navigate and leverage the full potential of their e-commerce platform.

Comprehensive Features

From product management to secure transactions, PBEC covers every aspect of e-commerce. Enjoy features like inventory management, customer engagement tools, and analytics—all within one platform.

How it works ?

A comprehensive suite of services that empowers your business

Choose your platform

We support leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and more, giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect fit for your needs.

Design for impact

Our expert designers create stunning, user-friendly store experiences that reflect your brand identity and engage your customers.

Personalize the journey

We leverage data and insights to tailor product recommendations, marketing campaigns, and customer interactions, making each shopper feel valued.

Optimize for conversion

We analyze data and implement A/B testing to refine your store’s performance and maximize conversion rates.

Manage and grow

Our user-friendly platform and dedicated support team empower you to manage your store efficiently and scale your ecommerce success.

Who needs PBEC's personalized touch?

Entrepreneurial Ventures

For startups and entrepreneurs, PBEC is the perfect companion to kickstart your e-commerce journey. Benefit from a personalized store without the complexities.

Brand-Driven Businesses

For businesses focusing on brand identity, PBEC allows you to translate your brand essence into a captivating online store that resonates with your audience.


As your business expands, PBEC grows with you. Scale up your ecommerce operations effortlessly and maintain a personalized touch across all transactions.


If you’re exploring different e-commerce platforms, PBEC offers flexibility. Test and choose the platform that best suits your business needs, all while enjoying the personalized touch of PBEC.

Why choose PBEC as your
E-commerce partner?

Platform Flexibility

Choose the platform that best suits your needs and budget, without limitations.

Personalized Approach

We go beyond the platform, tailoring every aspect of your store to your brand and customers.

Data-Driven Insights

We leverage data to understand your audience and optimize your store for maximum impact.

Dedicated Support

You’re not alone. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, from platform selection to ongoing optimization. Ready to build an e-commerce store that stands out from the crowd and drives lasting success?

Ready to Build Your Platform
E-Commerce Empire?

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how PBEC can personalize your e-commerce journey.