
InSpace Interiors

project focus

Web Design & Development, Website Revitalization


Interior Design

Client Challenge

InSpace Interiors faced a multifaceted challenge, requiring an end-to-end solution due to issues stemming from a previous developer. The client sought a consulting and implementation partner to address design concerns, redevelop the website, and resolve issues related to malware-infested plugins that had compromised the website’s servers.

Revitalizing Digital Presence for Inspace Interiors

Our Approach

Consulting & Implementation

Collaborated with InSpace Interiors to understand their vision and concerns.

Provided end-to-end consulting, covering design, development, IT infrastructure setup, deployment, testing, and delivery.

Brand Design

Conducted a brand design exercise to refresh InSpace Interiors’ visual identity.

Ensured that the brand design aligned with the client’s values and communicated a cohesive and modern image.

Web Design and Redevelopment

Identification of Issues

Identified and assessed issues with the previous developer’s work, including malware-infested plugins.

Website Recreation

Initiated the recreation of the website from scratch to eliminate all traces of malicious plugins and ensure a clean slate for redevelopment.

Website Redevelopment

New Server Setup

Established a new server environment to ensure a secure and stable foundation for the website.

Essential Plugin Integration

Carefully selected and integrated only essential plugins to enhance functionality without compromising security.

Testing & Deployment

Quality Assurance

Conducted thorough testing to ensure the website’s functionality, security, and design met the highest standards.

Seamless Deployment

Deployed the redeveloped website with meticulous attention to detail, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition.


The collaboration of Digtrix with InSpace Interiors led to a revitalized digital presence and resolved issues

Brand Refinement

The brand design exercise resulted in a refreshed and modern visual identity that resonated with InSpace Interiors brand values.

Website Revitalization

The website was recreated from scratch, eliminating malware-infested plugins and ensuring a secure, stable, and fluid website experience.

Improved Design

The redevelopment allowed for a better design, addressing issues that hindered the user experience in the previous version.

Security Enhancement

By carefully selecting and integrating essential plugins, the security of the website was significantly improved.

Efficient Deployment

The deployment process was seamless, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition for users.


The successful revitalization of InSpace Interiors’ digital presence demonstrates Digtrix commitment to providing comprehensive solutions. By addressing design concerns, resolving issues from a previous developer, and enhancing security, we exceeded InSpace Interiors’ expectations. This case study showcases Digtrix ability to act as a trusted partner, delivering transformative results that positively impact our clients’ online presence and business operations.

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