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Introducing XCMS

XCMS redefines content management by offering a comprehensive end-to-end solution for crafting enterprise-grade CMS platforms. Whether you’re a startup, a growing business, or an established enterprise, XCMS empowers you to create and manage content seamlessly, enhancing your digital presence and user experience.

Why Choose XCMS ?

High-Performance Enterprise Platform

  • Scalability: Highly scalable, secure, and performance-driven WordPress infrastructure with 28 global points of presence.
  • Content Analytics: Integrated Parse.ly Content Helper and Analytics Dashboard for insightful data-driven decision-making.
  • Managed Updates: Regular updates of WordPress, PHP, and other components to ensure security and up-to-date features.
  • Containerized Environment: Isolated environment via containerization for optimum performance and security.
  • Global Infrastructure: High performance across the world with global infrastructure.

Content Analytics: Real-Time Insights

  • Immediate access to new data within the Parse.ly dashboard every 5 seconds.
  • Reporting on 30+ audience-centric metrics such as page views, visitors, engaged time, etc.
  • 13-months of historical data for in-depth historical analysis.
  • Marketing Campaign Tracking to tie views, engagement, conversions, etc., to specific marketing campaigns.
  • Conversions Reporting for key conversion events such as purchases, clicks, for fills, etc.
  • Audience Segmentation for drilling down into key metrics of content performance.

Integrated Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Caching of content at the edge for fast Time to First Byte (TTFB) and optimal performance.

Management Dashboard Built for Scale

Centralized dashboard for managing all your sites, domains, user access, authentication and security, certificates, and more.

Jetpack AI

AI-powered content block in the Block Editor for automatic content generation, revision, and optimization.

Robust Infrastructure

  • Integrated Code Repository for streamlined development workflows from development to production.
  • Production and Staging Environments for development, testing, and QA as needed.
  • Local Development Environment supporting local sandbox environments for testing.

Security and Support

  • Multifaceted Industry-leading Security with multiple layers of protection.
  • Advanced Access Controls for granular permission management.
  • 24×7 Support with urgent ticket response time SLAs and 99.99% uptime SLA.

Flexible Architecture

Out-of-the-box support for single-stack, headless, and hybrid architectures.

Multisite Support

Support for WordPress Multisite environments with varying plans based on your needs.

Dynamic Autoscaling

Automatic provisioning of resources for peak performance on your busiest day and everyday.

Your Journey to Elevated Digital Experience Begins with XCMS

Choose XCMS to embark on a journey where your content management needs align seamlessly with cutting-edge technology, security, and unparalleled support. Revolutionize your digital experience with XCMS.

Ready to transform your content into a captivating journey that drives engagement and business growth?

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how XCMS can elevate your content experiences to new heights.